LEGO Set #40123
A great holiday set. Short and simple and selling out fast. It’s already sold out in many LEGO Stores and is selling for double the original price on Amazon.

The set is a small kitchen of an elderly couple where they can sit down to enjoy their Thanksgiving meal. One wonders why they have no family visiting, but you can’t help feeling happy they have each other….and that juicy turkey.
The set also comes with an apple, which is one of my favorite unusual LEGO pieces. A LEGO apple doesn’t actually attach to anything, but the stem can be gripped by LEGO hands and other pieces. In this set there is a bowl that the apple can rest inside.
I think this is a must-have for any serious collector. It makes a great holiday decoration, but the two minifigures and turkey are all great pieces.
Minifigures: Old Man, Old Lady
Pieces: 158
Recommended Ages: 7+
Time to Complete: 30 minutes
Price: $20.12 on Amazon
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